Writing Update
Writing Update

Introducing Code Name Potty Chart

Lucid and Lucid Creations Media would like to announce a new app that we are developing and seeking funding for. Introducing Code Name Potty Chart In case you aren’t aware I, Lucid, made a Tweet a few weeks ago about an app idea I had that would essentially be a star/potty/diaper chart for ABDLs and Babyfurs. The app is much more than that. At the end of the day you and your little/sub gets to choose what is being tracked within the chart. It can be diaper training, potty training (good luck), general behavior, habits, and more. Base Functionality Tracking …

On Hiatus Until Further Notice. Hurricane Ida.

For anyone not following the Twitter accounts, Telegram update channel, Discord news channels, or aren’t in any of our communities; I have been impacted by Hurricane Ida and was forced to evacuate. I left Monday afternoon. I lived in the New Orleans metro area and it is in shambles right now. They are estimating months without power. So I left. I’ve been posting disaster updates on Twitter, telegram, Discord, and within the communities since it was projected to hit us. I will continue to post disaster updates to the Telegram update channel, but not to Twitter or within the communities. …

School Grad Update

With school over I review the plans for future content through the end of 2021. Twitch Stream, Stream Content, Commissions, Stories, Website Development, and Expected Updates to Patreon Rewards.

Update on my Classes

As many of you already know I decided to start attending a vocational school around March of this year. The original projection was to complete the course around November. All commissions and other content creation by me was to be put on hold until then. That was the plan, however due to some clerical error on their part I missed a mandatory (virtual) orientation and they are standing their ground about not letting me into the classes that started this week because it’s thier policy for anyone who missed an orientation. I didn’t receive the email about it and there …

Excepted Absence Through 2021

First I want to recap what’s been going on for anyone who haven’t been keeping up. I have been unemployed since October and have yet to find a job. I have been living primarily off of unemployment insurance benefits, my parents dime, and some donations that come in here and there ever since. It has been enough to get by, but what’s more important is that my benefits will be running out soon and I need to do something to get income again. This is why I am choosing to join a Software Engineer/Coding boot camp. The classes will last …

January Update

& December Update Happy New Year & Happy b-day to the website! For the second time in a row I was so busy and lost track of stuff thinking I made my monthly update when I didn’t. Where to start where to start? Personal Update Since the last update I have been approved for unemployment checks and will be looking into applying for disability soon. I will be getting back to streaming and writing more now that the holidays are over. That’s mostly why late November and December was so quiet. Around late November I was looking into Job Corps. …

November Update

& October Update Personal Update I’ve been dealing with so much that I lost track and forgot all about making an October update. I honestly thought I made an October update, but I can see that I haven’t. If you follow the Telegram Updates Channel then you are all caught up. There isn’t much here here that wasn’t mentioned on that channel. Feel free to read anyway if you want to make sure you don’t miss anything. To sum it up shortly I have been dealing with my employer all month and right now it looks like I might be …

September Update

& August Update Q: Lucid where have you been?! A: I will get to that in this update. I skipped the August Update because there wasn’t a whole lot to mention in it and I didn’t want to have a trend of my monthly updates only addressing my medical issues. This update is going to partly be about that but not entirely. There is some good news to be had, but it’s going to be a long post. So strap in and be patient. Personal Update Not too much has changed about my medical condition. My neurologist wanted to first …

July Update

Nothing much has changed since the last update, but these are called monthly updates for a reason. I am still working crazy hours and unbearable pain is still impairing my ability to focus on writing. Commissions are still closed and will remain closed until further notice. There’s no updates on my personal projects but I have made more progress on Mischievous Diapercitter after a short writer’s block. I was finally able to find a way to transition to a new scene. If all goes well then I expect to have the story done soon since the rest will be a …

June Update

Personal Update I don’t remember if I mentioned this in any recent updates but I’ve been working 60 hours a week the past few weeks now. Which is good for me because I need the $ but bad because I’m trying to work through my back injury. Speaking of that I should be getting an MRI next week (still waiting for the referral). That should hopefully show what’s going on with my back! I still think it’s sciatica though. I’ll be working this schedule for the rest of June and as a result I will have to close the commisions …