Patreon Update
Patreon Update

Introducing Code Name Potty Chart

Lucid and Lucid Creations Media would like to announce a new app that we are developing and seeking funding for. Introducing Code Name Potty Chart In case you aren’t aware I, Lucid, made a Tweet a few weeks ago about an app idea I had that would essentially be a star/potty/diaper chart for ABDLs and Babyfurs. The app is much more than that. At the end of the day you and your little/sub gets to choose what is being tracked within the chart. It can be diaper training, potty training (good luck), general behavior, habits, and more. Base Functionality Tracking …

On Hiatus Until Further Notice. Hurricane Ida.

For anyone not following the Twitter accounts, Telegram update channel, Discord news channels, or aren’t in any of our communities; I have been impacted by Hurricane Ida and was forced to evacuate. I left Monday afternoon. I lived in the New Orleans metro area and it is in shambles right now. They are estimating months without power. So I left. I’ve been posting disaster updates on Twitter, telegram, Discord, and within the communities since it was projected to hit us. I will continue to post disaster updates to the Telegram update channel, but not to Twitter or within the communities. …

School Grad Update

With school over I review the plans for future content through the end of 2021. Twitch Stream, Stream Content, Commissions, Stories, Website Development, and Expected Updates to Patreon Rewards.

Moving Away From Patreon

I’m hearing word that Patreon might be forcefully changing the way they charge backers. Making it an annual billing system. Meaning instead of being charged at the 1st of every month backers will be charged the same day every month starting at the first day they started backing a creator. This can be good for backers but will make tracking and distributing certain rewards hard and stressful for creators. The worst part is they haven’t even communicated any of this to their creators. Asked for no feedback. Nothing. That being said. I am currently in the market for a new …

February Update

Possibly the last monthly update? Hi everyone and thanks for reading what could be the last monthly update. Now that I have started streaming regularly and have set monthly goals for myself that I have been keeping with, for the most part, I feel that monthly updates will become redundant. Just to make everyone aware of these monthly goals, after I get the eShop opened I want to have at least one chapter of a story released every 30 – 60 days and at least 1 new hypnosis file on the shop a month. I want to stick to the …

November Update

& October Update Personal Update I’ve been dealing with so much that I lost track and forgot all about making an October update. I honestly thought I made an October update, but I can see that I haven’t. If you follow the Telegram Updates Channel then you are all caught up. There isn’t much here here that wasn’t mentioned on that channel. Feel free to read anyway if you want to make sure you don’t miss anything. To sum it up shortly I have been dealing with my employer all month and right now it looks like I might be …

Community Expansion with Telegram, Donations Page, etc

Over the week I’ve been working on a few things on the website and starting a new discussion group for my fans that use Telegram more than Discord. Visit this page for the community links (Discord Server/Telegram Group). I’ve also created a page on the website for the community rules. This will make it easier for me to edit them, not that I want to, and for the community to find. I’ve moved the donation information from the FAQ page to a new donation & support page to make it easier to find. I’ve also added a donation button at …

July Update

Nothing much has changed since the last update, but these are called monthly updates for a reason. I am still working crazy hours and unbearable pain is still impairing my ability to focus on writing. Commissions are still closed and will remain closed until further notice. There’s no updates on my personal projects but I have made more progress on Mischievous Diapercitter after a short writer’s block. I was finally able to find a way to transition to a new scene. If all goes well then I expect to have the story done soon since the rest will be a …

Commissions Open & Patreon Page Update

So it appears that I forgot to update the Patreon page after opening the website and only just remembered to do that today after updating my Trello board and seeing that was past due on my to-do list. So the Patreon page is now fully up to date with all links going to the website where applicable, I also had to update the discord invite link as well. For anyone who isn’t following my Telegram updates page; I lost the job that I mentioned that I was hired for in my last update. Tl;dr I was having trouble keeping up …